Is your menstrual period normal? It might not be an easy question, but the answer is important. Many women live with abnormally heavy menstrual periods, severe cramps, and other symptoms every month — but treatment can help.

There are many possible causes of heavy menstrual bleeding (like uterine fibroids), and the right treatment depends on your unique health and goals.

At The Women’s Center, our team is dedicated to helping you enjoy your best health. We specialize in radiofrequency ablation for heavy periods, and we’re here to help you find out if this minimally invasive procedure is right for you.

When to consider radiofrequency ablation

Every woman’s menstrual cycle is a little different. In general, one menstrual cycle lasts 21-35 days, with a menstrual period lasting 2-7 days. On the first day of your period, a new cycle starts.

Few women look forward to their periods each month, but symptoms like heavy bleeding and severe cramps can make you dread it. The good news is that treatment can manage your abnormal menstrual symptoms, and it’s time to learn more about it.

Heavy periods

Heavy menstrual bleeding is very common, but only about a third of women seek treatment for their symptoms. You might be living with abnormally heavy periods if:

  • Your periods last longer than a week
  • You pass blood clots larger than a quarter
  • You wear more than one pad
  • You change pads or tampons every hour
  • You wake up at night to change pads or tampons

Heavy bleeding and severe cramps can limit your quality of life, but there’s no reason to suffer every month. Treatment like hormonal birth control can make a big difference. And if you’ve tried conservative options without much relief, radiofrequency ablation could put an end to your discomfort for good.

Uterine fibroids

Up to 70% of women get uterine fibroids during their reproductive years. Fibroids are tumors that grow in the wall of your uterus. They’re almost always non-cancerous.

Although most uterine fibroids don’t cause noticeable symptoms, severe fibroids can cause abnormal vaginal bleeding and pain. Heavy menstrual bleeding, spotting between periods, lower back pain, and pain with sex are all possible symptoms of uterine fibroids.

Fibroids that don’t cause symptoms may not need treatment. But if you have heavy bleeding or other symptoms, we may recommend treatment with medication, surgery, or radiofrequency ablation.

Is radiofrequency ablation right for you?

At The Women’s Center, our team specializes in diagnosing and treating gynecologic conditions like heavy periods and fibroids. We do a comprehensive pelvic exam to identify the root cause  of your symptoms, then recommend a treatment plan for you.

We take a conservative approach to care, matching your treatment to your needs and goals for the future. Treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding often starts with hormonal birth control or other hormonal medications.

If you’ve tried conservative treatment but you still have heavy menstrual bleeding, pain, and other symptoms, radiofrequency ablation could be a good option for you. It’s a safe, minimally invasive option for women who haven’t found relief with other treatments.

Ablation permanently destroys the endometrium (the lining of your uterus) in one minimally invasive procedure. It greatly reduces or stops your menstrual flow. It’s important to recognize that the procedure may not be right for you. We may advise against ablation if you:

  • Want to get pregnant
  • Are postpartum
  • Are in menopause
  • Have an endometrial disorder (like endometriosis)
  • Have uterine cancer
  • Have an infection

Ablation isn’t a sterilization procedure, but it significantly reduces your chances of getting pregnant. If you want to have a child in the future, ask our team about other treatment options for heavy periods. If your symptoms are due to a uterine fibroid, we may recommend a myomectomy to remove the fibroid while keeping your uterus intact.

Heavy periods can interfere with your life and your happiness, but treatment is available. 

Find out more about what’s causing your symptoms and how treatment can help with a consultation at The Women’s Center. Contact us online or call the Orlando, Florida, area office nearest you today.

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